17 of the Best Retirement Gift Ideas

Are you looking for retirement gift ideas?

When you’ve had an employee provide your company with decades of service, its only right to buy them a present before they leave.

However, finding something suitable that conveys the level of gratitude you have towards them is easier said than done – because retirement gifts are no ordinary gifts.

They must, after all, be meaningful, as you want to celebrate the massive contribution the person made to your organisation. But beyond that, they could also represent the next phase of their life. So, you’ll want to make sure it’s useful to them moving forward as well.

If you have a long-term employee who is about to leave your company and you are struggling to find them an appropriate retirement gift, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Here are 17 options you should consider, which most departing employees should absolutely love.

Tips for choosing the perfect retirement gift

Retirement gifts can come in many different shapes and sizes. So, before we reveal our best ideas, it’s worth outlining some tips on how you can find the perfect present for your departing employee.

Rather than giving the same retirement present for each individual, the first thing you should ensure is that the gift is bespoke. Your employees want to feel that their contribution has been valued during their time with your organisation. Therefore, if you give everyone the same present (other than a monetary gift), they won’t feel special.

At all costs you should avoid cliched gifts like pens, wine glasses, mugs and plaques. They just scream of lack of thought and more than likely will be a waste of money. You should also avoid buying them a ‘gag’ gift as their only present. Retirement is a significant stage of a person’s life, so always choose something sincere over what is intended to be a joke.

Where appropriate, you should try and make your gift as personalised as possible. This could involve having their name, length of service or a monogram etched into the present, which will make it more meaningful.

Whatever you decide to buy them, make sure the gift is accompanied with a note that clearly expresses your gratitude. It helps to set a budget too right from the outset. That way, you can easily narrow down your search based on these monetary parameters.

Retirement Gift Ideas

Need inspiration for the perfect retirement gift idea? How about these options?

1. Travel Voucher

Many people dream of travelling the world when they require, so why not help them on their journey with a travel voucher?

You can purchase a travel gift card or voucher from any travel agent such as Flight Centre or online sites like WebJet, which you can load up with any monetary value you want.

These vouchers tend to be valid for a period of at least three years, so there would be plenty of time for your retiring worker to organise their trip.

2. Bucket List Experience

If you don’t think they would like a travel voucher, then why not organise for them to enjoy a bucket list experience?

These can take many forms, but should be something that most people wouldn’t normally be able to afford or think of doing.

Some experiences can include:

– Driving in a sports car around a rack track

– Helicopter ride over a famous landmark or region

– VIP Tickets to a sporting event

– VIP Tour of a sports ground

– Luxury weekend getaway

– Degustation meal at a Michelin Star or Hatted restaurant

To ensure the bucket list experience is something they would be interested in, try to find out as much as you can about what would interest the departing employee.

3. Luxury Personal Shopping Experience

This type of gift offers an exclusive and highly personalised shopping experience, which allows people to access luxury goods and items that are not widely available.

Typically this takes place in a private room away from the shop floor where you are given champagne, hors d’oeuvre and VIP Treatment.

In reality, a luxury personal shopping experience would probably be more welcomed by female employees than males. (Though there are some that are tailored to men).

That said, personal shoppers offer style guidance on items like clothes, handbags, jewellery or watches, and while there is no pressure to buy, their advice can seriously lift your fashion game.

4. Season Ticket for their favourite sports team

If your retiring employee is a sports fan, a terrific gift for them is a season ticket to their favourite

sports team.

It’s worth checking if they have one before ordering it. However, if they don’t this is a gift they are sure to love.

5. Work-Related Mementos

Your employee has dedicated a significant portion of their adult life to your company. Therefore, they will no doubt have good memories of working there.

To keep these memories alive after they have left your company, why not get them a work-related memento to remind their of their time with you.

This type of gift could include a bronzed replica of a tool they regularly used for their job, or a typography print of their main achievements or sales records.

If your company has collated enough photos of them over the years, it could even take the form of a framed memory collage they can put up on their wall at home.

6. Gourmet Food Hamper

You can’t go wrong with a luxury food hamper, and the great thing about this gift is you can make it really personalised if you know what kind of gastronomic tastes your employee has.

If you don’t, it is a good idea to introduce them to foods they might not ordinarily eat. So, really, its a win-win.

When it comes to gourmet food hampers, it’s best to offer a wide range of food items. Where possible, try to source them from local businesses. Though if you are after more upscale items such as truffles or caviar, you might have to procure them online.

7. Beer or Wines

If you know your retiring employee likes to drink beer or wine, then a great option is to buy them a selection of either.

Depending on how long they have been with your company, it’s a nice idea to buy them a bottle for each year they were employed. Try to mix up the varietals, so they can try lots of different flavours and labels.

If they are a wine lover, consider finding a vintage from the year in which they joined your organisation.

8. Spa Retreat

The lead up to their retirement can be busy old time for your employee, especially if they are trying to finish a project off or have to train their replacement to ensure they get up to speed.

For this reason, they might understandably be in need of some rest and relaxation, in the immediate period after they leave. So, what better gift than booking them in for a visit to a spa retreat?

Spa retreats offer a range of recuperative services including everything from massages to facials which are designed to provide you with total relaxation of mind, body and soul.

9. Camera

Now they are retired, your departing employee will have plenty of time on their hands. Therefore, why not encourage them to take up a new hobby by buying them a camera?

A top notch camera will enable them to capture the world around them and possible even inspire them to venture out more. It should also reduce their risk of boredom post-retirement and give them a new purpose once they have left your company.

10. Home activities Box

Another good idea to keep your employees occupied is to give them a box of activities they can do at home.

This can include a range of books, puzzles, board games, adult colouring books, magazines and yard games. If they have grandchildren, you can also include a few activities they can do with them.

Make sure you package them in a nice box or basket and top up with some little treats for them to have while they play them.

11. Luxury Robe

If your employee has been wearing your work uniform for the majority of their working life, why not give them something else they can wear once they have retired?

As they will be spending a lot more time at home, a luxury robe is the perfect thing to wear when they are enjoying a leisurely morning.

Make sure they are warm, comfortable and made of a very good quality. If they can be personalized, then all the better.

12. Monthly subscription box

As an alternative to a home activities box, a yearly subscription box is another good option.

This could take the form of TV streaming services like Netflix, Stan or Disney or other things such as magazines or book clubs.

In fact, they are available in pretty much every theme, so try to establish what your retiree will most enjoy using in the first 12 months after leaving your company.

13. Retirement Flower Box

Flowers are a popular retirement gift, especially for female employees and they are always appreciated. However, why not take this gift up a level by giving your retiring co-working a retirement

flower box.

They come in a variety of different shapes and sizes and can be adorned with an engraved plaque and can feature any type of flower or plants which can be bedded into their garden.

A nice alternative to this idea is to plant a tree in your employees name either within the grounds of your offices or in a local floral garden.

14. Garden Set

If you know your employee is a keen gardener or plants to do more gardening once they have retired, then a great present to give them is a complete garden Set.

Generally, they come with a range of garden tools that help you with all aspects of maintaining a garden. They also usually include flower and vegetable seeds packs, which will enable them to cultivate the garden they have always wanted to maintain.

15. Charitable donation

If the retiree has a passion for a local cause or volunteering you could always give a donation in their name. Doing this can provide your business with tax incentives and it also provides an excellent PR opportunity.

What is great about this gift is that it will have a meaningful impact on the person you give it to. Alternatively, you can organise for all of your employees to join the retiree for a volunteer day on their last day at work.

This will send them off on an uplifting note, while also helping them give back to the local community.

16. Barbecue

With more time on their hands, food and entertaining often come to the fore during the initial period after a person retires from their job. So, why not give your employee a helping hand by buying them a brand new barbecue and barbecue kit.

It would help if you had an understanding of how big a barbecue they could fit into their home. Therefore, it is a good idea to ask their closest work colleagues if they have an idea.

It is also a nice touch if you include some meats, vegetables and oils so they can enjoy their first cook. While cleaning materials and maybe a cook book or two wouldn’t go amiss as well.

17. Gift Card

If all else fails you can always give your departing employee a gift card.

There are plenty of different kinds available, including those for clothing stores, restaurants and entertainment venues. So, you should try to find out which type they would be most likely to use and purchase one accordingly.

If your employee is relocating, this can be particularly useful in setting up their new home. Try to find relevant companies where they can be redeemed in their new location.